I find that we live in too many boxes throughout our life - race, gender, religion, career, wealth, social status, age, etc...
We then start to define ourselves by these boxes and succumb to what is acceptable and what is not. But throughout this we start to become more of what is expected of us and less of who we truly, authentically are. We stop being fun and playful and start looking and feeling responsible, serious and most times old. Also we start to look at ourselves through other peoples eyes...STOP!!!
You are answerable to YOU so start doing and being all that you want to be without fear.
My dare to you...
I dare you today to do something that truly makes your heart jump for joy and care less about what others will think about that. You are genuinely free when you make decisions based on your intuition instead of by how you think you will be judged. Be you and more of you every single day. Be silly, be crazy but BE YOU! This world needs more free spirits 💕