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Writer's pictureAsha

Simple Ways to Be Beautiful

In this day and age of instant gratification, excessive makeup, invasive treatments and fake filters we have become so obsessed with looking beautiful that we have forgotten how to BE BEAUTIFUL!

What does it mean to Be Beautiful?

I think of it as that glow that shines from within. It shows up in your healthy skin, your smile, and the sparkle in your eyes. It's about accepting and embracing who and what you are and committing to constant change. To me, change is inevitable and encompassing it naturally, authentically and making it a part of my life with love and happiness ultimately yields unbelievable results. A product or activity can enhance your external beauty but for lasting and progressive change there has to be a mindset shift, to reflect your inner beauty.

Your mindset shift is the most important aspect for any significant change to occur. I found that when I started to look forward to my passions, enjoy and get excited about being healthy, happy, balanced and oozing with a zest for life, I started to feel amazing about myself and people started to notice the effect it had on me. I see myself as a 'work in progress' and I strive every day to be better than the day before. It’s the many little things done every day that slowly but surely add up for bigger, lasting change.

So, where to begin?

These steps were the beginning of the transformation in my life. As I moved along and started to build these changes into habits, I was then able to add more onto my plate, one at a time. These steps are things that resonate with me and that make me come alive on the inside. Your steps could be completely different, and over time you will learn to identify, love, accept and make your choices your framework for transformation. I have found that these changes have not only brought a boost to my positive outlook, but I actually feel vibrant, beautiful, energetic, healthy and fit.

Enhance Positive Energy in my life

Energy is a big deal in my life. I love the principles of Feng Shui and I try to incorporate the teachings of this Chinese art form into the things I do every single day. It helps me boost my energy to new levels and if I do encounter challenges, I handle them with a lot more finesse and a lot less drama.

Ways I try every day to increase my positive energy...

  • Gratefulness. I am grateful for everything I am and have and I try my best to avoid focusing on what I lack. Gratefulness fills me with happy feelings. Every morning, when I write in my gratitude journal or listen to a gratitude guided meditation I always smile and feel so full of love and abundance. This feeling boosts my positive energy for the entire day.

  • De-Cluttering. I am a master of de-cluttering and letting go. I found that for too long I held onto things, thoughts, people and emotions that kept me stuck. The feeling of being stuck creates a whirlwind of negativity. To shake this, I learnt to clear out, minimise and let go. As I de-cluttered, I made the space for positive and happy vibes to enter- both physically and mentally.

  • Plants. Plants make me so happy. I keep plants in all the spaces I spend my time. Having plants and flowers around me automatically makes me smile and warms me up. Plants help purify the air, dispel stagnant energy, and promotes a feeling of well-being.

  • Pets. Spending time with my daughter’s dogs, Chewy, Charlie and Joy, fills me with pure happiness. They have a way of sharing pure love and uplifting my spirits and making me feel joyful for no reason at all. Pets are amazing.

  • Water. I love water. The feel of it on my body and the sound of it. It's not possible to swim everyday so my shower is one way to wash away negativity and emerge feeling like a new person. I also have a small water feature in my workspace that creates an incredible, energised yet calm ambience. Water heals my senses.

  • Create. I love being creative. Whether it’s finding a unique solution to a challenge, doing a craft or making a product - creating inspires me. Creating comes from my soul and the more I allow it to enter my life the more I find how creative I actually am. I never thought that I had any creativity until I tried to make a candle and since that day, I have not stopped trying new things.

Create a Healthy Lifestyle (80/20)

Previously, whenever I heard the term "Healthy Lifestyle" I would immediately picture a slim, toned woman in a 2-piece bikini, 6 pack abs, eating a healthy salad and working out all day. I know, I know a bit crazy but this really did not resonate with me so I would just think it’s for someone else - not ME! As I started making healthy choices and small changes in my life, I learnt that a "Healthy Lifestyle" is not a one size fits all. It is rather, a plan that you create that suits your passion, likes, and dislikes so every person should have a unique plan for themselves. Mine focuses of Eating, Movement and Mindset.

  • Eating. I do not like things complicated so my plan is very simple. I do an 80/20 split. 80% of the time I choose healthy and 20% of the time I let myself indulge a bit. I keep a mental record and its now become part of my lifestyle. For the 80% healthy I choose more home cooked or raw meals, no takeouts, only coconut oil to cook with, fresh ingredients (no canned or processed foods), balanced meals of carbs, protein, and vegetables, legumes, water, full fat yoghurt smoothies (with greens, egg, banana), etc. For the 20% I eat anything. I have also learnt to do both happily without guilt or regret.

  • Movement and activity. I have found things I love doing like hiking, dancing, yoga, core and strength exercises. I do most of it throughout the day and it keeps my energy high and allows me to have fun while exercising. The hiking is wonderful especially being out in nature which is so beautiful. Yin Yoga time is the absolute favourite part of my day. I feel sad if I miss it.

  • Mindset. I listen to inspiring podcasts on various subjects related to increasing the positive influences in my life. I then try to implement things I think will add value and that resonate with me. I find this always leads me down fascinating and growth inspiring paths that stimulates my curiosity. I have learnt so much about myself, about life, perspectives, growth, etc by doing this.

Finding your unique mix to boost you will help you transform, be more accepting of your unique skills and less judgmental of what you lack. This transformation will take time but as the changes occur you will begin an inward journey that will boost your confidence, highlight your strengths, bring peace and calm and a centeredness built on inner strength. All these put together will allow you to bloom and glow beautifully from within. You are beautiful and all you have to do is discover just how to let it shine through!


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